HL Paper 2
“The growth of the global middle class will inevitably accelerate climate change.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
“Resource insecurity is becoming the main cause of forced migration.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
“Responding to climate change is more important than working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
The graph shows changes in the percentage of the population of Lesotho living in slums.
[Source: UN Habitat, 2016. Slum Alamnac 2015–2016: Tracking Improvement in the Lives of Slum Dwellers. [pdf online]
Nairobi: UNON Publishing Service Station. Available at: https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/download-managerfiles/Slum%20
Almanac%202015-2016_PSUP.pdf [Accessed 4 June 2020]. Source adapted.]
Describe the trends shown in the slum populations of Lesotho between 2005 and 2014.
Suggest two reasons why progress towards access to safe water has been slow in some regions.
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Explain one economic advantage and one environmental advantage of the circular economy.
Economic advantage:
Environmental advantage:
Describe what is meant by an individual’s ecological footprint.
Suggest two ways in which meeting a nation’s water needs could result in reduced food availability.
Way 1:
Way 1:
Explain how a circular economy approach can contribute to reduced use of new resources.
Explain how a circular economy approach can contribute to changing attitudes to product ownership.
The graph shows the growth of middle-class populations in selected Eastern European countries from 2001 to 2011.
[Source: Many Countries in Eastern Europe Experienced Significant Growth in New Middle-Income Populations from 2001 to 2011. Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. 2015. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2015/07/08/a-globalmiddle-class-is-more-promise-than-reality/pg-2015-07-08_globalclass-16/.]
Outline two differences in the growth of the middle-class population of Ukraine and Serbia.
Difference 1:
Difference 2:
Explain how the growth of a country’s middle-class population can lead to changing diets.
Explain how the growth of a country’s middle-class population can lead to land-use pressures.
Suggest one way in which greater use of renewable energy can decrease the size of a nation’s ecological footprint.
Suggest one way in which greater use of renewable energy can increase the size of a nation’s ecological footprint.
The graph shows the average amount (in US$) spent on food per person and the average percentage of total income spent on food for selected countries in 2017.
Roser, M., and Ritchie, H., 2013. Food prices. [online] Available at: https://ourworldindata.org/food-prices [Accessed 30
September 2020]. Source adapted. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
Describe the relationship shown in the graph.
Suggest one reason for a recent change in the diets of people in middle-income countries.
Explain one way in which ecological footprint measures an individual’s resource consumption.
Explain two ways in which different resources are developed to support Boserup’s optimistic view.
Way 1:
Way 2:
Describe what is meant by “embedded water”.
Explain two reasons why diets are changing in middle-income countries.
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Suggest two ways in which declining water availability might threaten a country’s energy security.
Way 1:
Way 2:
The map shows the weight, in kilograms (kg), of domestic electronic waste produced per person in Africa in 2014.
[Source: Baldé, C.P., Wang, F., Kuehr, R., Huisman, J. (2015), The global e-waste monitor – 2014,
United Nations University, IAS – SCYCLE, Bonn, Germany]
Describe the distribution of countries that produce more than 6kg of electronic waste per person.
Explain two reasons why some countries receive large international flows of consumer waste.
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Suggest two implications of a warmer climate for the food security of places.
Implication 1:
Implication 2:
The infographic shows aspects of global e-waste.
[Source: Baldé, C.P., Forti V., Gray, V., Kuehr, R., Stegmann,P. : The Global E-waste Monitor – 2017, United Nations University
(UNU), International Telecommunication Union (ITU) & International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), Bonn/Geneva/
Used with permission of Popular Science Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved.
Photo: ANP/laif/Kai Loeffelbein.
The copyright is with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), United Nations University
(UNU) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which jointly form the Global E-waste Statistics
Partnership (GESP). Source adapted.]
State the range for e-waste generated (in kg per person) for the countries shown.
Identify which raw material is produced in the largest amount when e-waste is recycled.
Describe the relationship between GNI per person and average growth rate of EEE consumption.
To what extent does the evidence in the infographic support the view that e-waste is a global problem?
The infographic shows information on the characteristics of extreme poverty and its reduction.
[Source: adapted from The World Bank Group https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2014/10/10/ending-poverty-is-within-our-reach. Data is from 2014 and therefore some data may no longer be accurate. Please see this link for more recent data: 2018/10/17/infographic-poverty-and-shared-prosperity-2018-piecing-together-the-poverty-puzzle.]
Estimate the percentage of daily income that those in extreme poverty spend on food.
Identify in which decade extreme poverty declined the fastest.
Using evidence from the infographic, explain one way it clearly demonstrates to the audience how they can help end poverty.
Evaluate the strength of the links between poverty and gender that are shown in this infographic.
The infographic has been produced by Australia’s National Roads and Motorists’ Association to show selected characteristics of Australia’s energy security.
[Source: Adapted from: Blackburn, J., National Roads and Motorists’ Association, 2013. Could Australia’s tanks run dry?
Australia’s liquid fuels security.]
Describe trends in the proportion of fuel directly imported into Australia between 2000 and 2013.
Suggest one graphical method that could depict the information in box A, giving a reason for your choice.
To what extent might this infographic make Australian citizens more concerned about their energy security than they need to be?
“A sustainable balance between population and resources can be best met by the circular economy.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?